Halloween - Is It For Christians? Extra Small-Print Edition Revised January, 1993 Copyright 1987, 1993, R.R.Day Restoration Light Bible Study Services Restoration Light Publication No. 2 Congregations and Bible study groups may feel free to photocopy or otherwise copy this publication for each member of the group, as long as no changes or additions are made. Permission is hereby given for reprinting this publication, provided appropriate credit is given to Restoration Light and that such reprinting is for strictly nonprofit purposes. No changes or additions should be made except editorial comments clearly identified as such. Throughout our publications we refer to our Creator as "Yahweh." Yahweh is the name given to the Creator in the Hebrew Scriptures. The term "Yahweh" means "He causes to be," signifying that he is the One who has provided the great plan of the ages for the salvation of the world. Yahweh is often replaced by "the Lord" or "God" in many translations of the Bible. The King James Version renders it as Jehovah in a few instances. See our publication: The Divine Name We also often refer to the Savior as "Yahshua." The term "Yahshua" is based on the Hebrew form of "Jesus." It means "Yahweh is Savior." Requests for free literature will be filled subject to availability of funds. Printed in the United States of America Every year in October millions of professed Christian parents approvingly send their little ones out dressed as goblins, witches and ghosts in a ritual of trick or treating. Is this custom simply a night of harmless fun and foolishness? Or is it a sinister deployment of Satan to teach young minds his evil ways? Exactly what is involved in this festival where young and old alike dress in ridiculous costumes? Above all, how should a true worshipper view this custom? What guidance can we find in the Bible to help us know how God himself feels about it? What questions are raised concerning the celebration of Halloween? Much of what happens at Halloween is very evidently not harmless. When young people desecrate buildings, break windows, puncture tires, etc., all must agree that this is very detrimental. But what about the popular custom of "trick or treating"? Is it as innocent as many parents think? To understand the answer to this question, we must first understand where this festival came from and why it was originally observed. Who observed Halloween before Yahshua came? The celebration of Halloween was observed by idol worshippers long before Christ came. The ancient Druids of Britain, the Romans and Greeks and others all kept a Halloween festival. It was not until many centuries after the death of Yahshua (Jesus) and his apostles that popular Christianity began to observe such a night. In whose honor was November 1 celebrated by the Druids, and what did they believe occurs on the eve of that festival? In the book Halloween Through The Centuries (Ralph Linton, pg.4), we find: "The earliest Halloween celebrations were held by the Druids in honour of Samhain, Lord of the Dead, whose festival fell on November 1". From the Encyclopaedia Britannica (11th ed., Vol. XII, pp. 857-858) we read: "It was a Druidical belief that on the eve of this festival Saman, lord of death, called together the wicked spirits that within the past 12 months had been condemned to inhabit the bodies of animals." What did many ancient northern people celebrate on November 1 and what did they believe concerning that day? The first day of November was considered by many ancient northern people to be the beginning of a new year. At this time, when leaves were falling and almost all greenery was disappearing, it was believed that the souls of the dead returned to their homes. If these spirits did not find proper food and shelter or they were displeased with what they found, evil spells would befall the towns, villages, etc. Sacrifices were offered to the dead on these occasions in various regions. This day was called "All Souls' Eve". In those days, November 1st began at sundown, therefore corresponding to the eve of our present October 31st. ALL-SOULS DAY Where did "All Souls' Day" come from, and what beliefs were attached to it? How widespread were these beliefs? The custom of celebrating an All Souls Day can be found throughout the world. Funk and Wagnalls' Standard Dictionary of Folklore, Mythology and Legend tells us: "Essentially, All Souls is the adaptation of an almost world-wide custom of setting aside a part of the year (usually the last part) for the dead. The Babylonians observed a monthly Feast of All Souls in which sacrifices were made by priests." In Folklore, by James Napier (p. 11) we read: "There was a prevailing belief among all nations that at death the souls of good men were taken possession of by good spirits and carried to paradise; but the souls of wicked men were left to wander in the space between the earth and moon, or consigned to the unseen world. These wandering spirits were in the habit of haunting the living ... But there were means by which these ghosts might be exorcised." This satisfaction was through gifts and food that might be set out for them. Also shelter would be provided for these souls. According to these superstitions, if you could please these spirits, they would not bother you; however, if they were not pleased evil things would befall you. How did the Miztecs of Mexico observe a day for the dead? "The Miztecs of Mexico believed that the souls of the dead came back in the twelfth month of the year, which corresponds to our November. On this day of All Souls the houses were decked out to welcome the spirits. Jars of food and drink were set on a table in the principle room, and the family went out with the torches to meet the ghosts and invite them to enter. Then, returning to the house they knelt around the table, and with their eyes bent on the ground, prayed the souls to accept the offerings" (Adonis, Frazer, p. 244). What is noted concerning the similarity of all the ancient pagan world in these customs? So, throughout ancient the pagan world, we find a similar pattern for appeasing or making offerings and gifts to the dead. Of course, there are differences in the methods, but the same purpose prevailed in all. GOD'S VIEWPOINT What did Yahweh tell his ancient people Israel, and what do the Hebrew Scriptures say respecting the dead? At this point, we might note that the true God, Yahweh, had told his people not to imitate the pagan peoples: "Do not adopt the ways of the nations." (Jeremiah 10:2) Again God had told them: "Do not have recourse to the spirits of the dead or to magicians; they will defile you." (Leviticus 19:31) The Hebrew Scriptures very pointedly tell us that "the dead know nothing." (Ecclesiastes 9:5) They are not able to come back and haunt the living. "The soul that sinneth, it shall die." Ä Ezekiel 18:4, King James Version Ä See our publication: When Life Ends What were the early followers of Yahshua told concerning offerings? What happened to the Church after the death of the apostles? After Christ came, his disciples, too, were warned against imitating the pagan religions. "What pagans sacrifice they offer to demons and not to God. I do not want you to be partners with demons. You cannot partake of the table of the Yahweh and the table of demons." (I Corinthians 10:20,21) The early disciples refused to partake in the paganistic rituals for the dead. But something happened after the apostles died. As the early disciples were either killed or died, the "gentile" disciples fell away from true worship. These apostates began to do the very opposite of what the scriptures said to do. They adopted the ways of the pagans. The foretold falling away from true worship was corrupting the early church. Ä Matt. 7:22,23; 2 Pet. 2:1; Acts 20:29,30. FALSE WORSHIP INFILTRATES POPULAR CHRISTIANITY For what purpose did the pagan Romans use the temple Pantheon? When the Roman Church took over the temple, what did these professing Christians do? Approximately 100 C.E., Emperor Hadrian built a temple to honor the pagan goddess Cybele and other popular Roman gods and goddesses. This temple was called the Pantheon. The Romans also used this temple to honor their dead. Later, the Christ-professing Roman Church took over this temple. Did they destroy its abominations? No. Instead, they adopted the ways of pagan Rome, only they now used the temple to pray to the Virgin Mary and other proclaimed saints. May 13 was chosen as a special day of prayer for the souls of the saints who were believed to be suffering in "purgatory". This day was called "All Saints Day." How did "All Saints Day" come to be called "Halloween?" In 834 C.E., the date for this celebration was changed to November 1. The name of the celebration was also changed. It was now called All Hallow, meaning "all holy." "Een" was later added as a contraction of "evening", thus producing the familiar term "Halloween", meaning "Holy evening." How did the Roman church come to adopt the November 1 date for "All Saints Day?" It was no accident that the Roman church chose the November 1st date. As we have already mentioned, it was on this date that the Druids of Britain, the Norsemen of Scandinavia, and the pagan Germans kept their festival of ALL SOULS' EVE. Most of these peoples were now under Roman control. They had been "Christianized" by threat of loss of life. They had become "Christians" in name, but clung to their pagan ways. In order to accommodate this situation, the Roman church decided to just adopt the pagan ways, and call them "Christian". The various deities that the pagans prayed to were given names of the church saints. It was thought that by doing this the pagan ways of the people could be pronounced clean. However, the people in general were still pagan at heart. The sentiments of pagan worship remained. It was just called "Christian." Has the pagan influence waned in our day? Has this pagan influence waned in our day? Note this: "In many Catholic countries the belief that the dead return on this day is so strong that food is left on the tables (Tirol, Italy) and people (France, Italy, Germany) still decorate the graves of the dead" (Funk and Wagnalls' Standard Dictionary of Folklore, Mythology and Legend, Vol. I, page 38). The influence of these beliefs can be seen in practically all nations upon the earth today, whether professing Christ or pagan religion. What are some examples of celebrations of festivals for the dead today? Today many peoples also have their festivals in which they make gifts and offerings to the dead. On the Chinese New Year, you may find many Chinese Buddhists offering gifts of food, clothing, and money by burning them. Supposedly these gifts will help the dead on their journey. "In the Far East the festivals of the dead include family reunions and ceremonial meals at ancestral tombs. Mexicans observe November 2 as D¡a de Muertos ("Day of the Dead") with celebrations in cemeteries made colorful by offerings of flowers, earthen pots of food, toys, and gifts, along with the burning of candles and incense." Ä Funk & Wagnalls New Encyclopedia, 1986 Edition, Vol. 10, page 146. WHAT ABOUT TODAY? What questions should those desiring to please God ask themselves concerning this celebration? Should a person who desires to please God lend his time and support to such a celebration? Should he allow his children to participate in the popular activities associated with this pagan festival? Where is the emphasis on this day? Is it on developing the fruits of the spirit, or does it tend to develop a spirit of "licentiousness, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, anger, selfishness," etc.? (Galatians 5:19-23) Does it promote the love of Yahweh and his Son, Yahshua (Jesus), or the devil, demons, witchcraft, and a host of other activities which are directly condemned in the Bible? What indicates that this celebration is part of "Babylon the Great?" What are God's people told to do concerning the Greater Babylon? Another thing to note also is that similar celebrations were carried on in ancient Babylon. This would indicate that Halloween is a product of the "Babylon the Great" spoken of in Revelation 18:2-4: " Babylon has fallen, Babylon the Great has fallen, and has become the haunt of devils and a lodging for every foul spirit and dirty, loathsome bird. All the nations have been intoxicated by the wine of her prostitution; every king of the earth has committed fornication with her, and every merchant grown rich through her debauchery.' A new voice spoke from heaven; I heard it say, Come out, my people, away from her, so that you do not share in her crimes and have the same plagues to bear.'" HALLOWEEN'S FRUITAGE a) What has been some of the fruitage of trick-or-treating? b) Who does the trick-or-treater take the role of, raising what questions? The fruitage of the "trick-or-treat" mentality has been to induce a selfish attitude. The threat of a trick unless a treat is received amounts to bribery, of which the Scriptures state: "A bribe corrupts the mind." (Ecclesiastes 7:7, Revised Standard Version) The child learns that bribing, under certain circumstances, is considered okay and sanctioned by parents, schools, and the popular churches. Lust is catered to and encouraged as children go forth to obtain as much booty as they can. Envy and jealousy sets in as children compare their plunder after a night of bribery. But there is another twist: the trick-or-treater actually takes the role of the ghost or goblin, the dead who are supposed to return to harass the living Ä if they do not get what they want. The offering made to these dead, the Bible says, were actually made to demons. (I Corinthians 10:20) Do you want your child to be a representative of demons? Do you want to make offerings to demons as these representatives of demons come to your door? What does greed have to do with Halloween? What does the Bible say regarding greed? What other traits does this observance teach young people? One of the most notable traits we have seen is the greedy "I want" attitude, which is in direct opposition to Bible principles. (Proverbs 15:27) "Then put to death those parts of you which belong to the earth [the present earth which will pass away Ä II Peter 3:7] Ä fornication, indecency, lust, foul cravings, and the ruthless greed which is nothing less than idolatry." "For be sure of this: no one given to ... greed which makes an idol of gain, has any share in the kingdom of Christ and of God." (Colossians 3:5; Ephesians 5:5, The New English Bible) How does Halloween promote violence? But, even worse, the "trick-or-treat" custom actually promotes violence by the threat of a "trick" if the desired "treat" is not obtained. While it is true that very few children actually go through with their threat of a "trick" when they receive nothing, nevertheless, it is impressed upon their minds that they are imposing themselves upon families and individuals who feel "obligated" by custom to give in to their demands for a "treat." And, on the other hand, many trick-or-treaters do perform harmful "tricks" at Halloween time. (Proverbs 10:23) While most of these "tricks" are small annoyances, others often pose a threat to the individuals targeted for such "tricks". What kind of conduct prevails at masquerade parties? What is the significance of wearing masks? Additionally, Halloween masquerade parties have given rise to many acts of filthiness, with gross talking and even drunkenness and fornication. The worldly spirit, working with our flesh and the enticements presented by the world and Satan, presides at such events, even if such an event is held exclusively for those claiming to be "Christian." A knowledgeable believer should know better than to indulge the devil in such a manner. The wearing of masks in ancient times was either to scare or deceive the spirits of the dead, so they could not harm the wearer. Thus many Orientals put on grotesque masks on the New Year's day to ward off evil spirits. Such indulgence in idolatry is certainly not in harmony with God's Word. a) What is the apparent fruitage of Halloween? b) What are the devil and his demons doing in the world? It is plain that the fruitage produced by the Halloween festival is not the works of God's spirit, but rather the works of the flesh and the devil. (Gal. 5:19-23) The devil and this world are working hard to find ways to indoctrinate people into believing that right is wrong and wrong is right. "For false Christs and false prophets will arise and show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect." (Matthew 24:24, The New American Standard Bible, hereafter referred to as NAS) "For such men are false prophets, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light." (2 Corinthians 11:13,14, NAS) "The Devil . . . is deceiving the entire world." (Revelation 12:9) "Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness." Ä Isaiah 5:20, NAS. a) What is one way that demons attract especially the young into serving him? b) Yet what do the scriptures say concerning Yahweh and our service of him? One way that the demons attract is with fun and pleasures. "The folly of fools is deceit. Fools make fun of sin." (Isaiah 56:12; Proverbs 14:8,9; 15:21) The devil makes himself likable, "an angel of light," (2 Corinthi- ans 11:14) and at the same time makes the true God, Yahweh, and his son, Yahshua, seem to be killjoys, opposing having a good time, (Gen. 3:4,5;) which, of course, is not true. (John 8:44; Proverbs 10:22) "O taste and see that Yahweh is good." (Psalm 34:8) "Happy are those who keep his testimonies, and seek him with the whole heart." (Psalm 119:2) What pressures will Satan use to try to keep God's people from fleeing from his deceitful ways? The enemy of God will use peer pressure, schools, our family, and even the popular churches to keep God's people from fleeing his deceitful ways. "Folly is set in great dignity." (Ecclesiastes 10:6) Yahweh's true people must oppose Satan, however, no matter how innocently he seems to appear. "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." Ä Ephesians 4:27; James 4:7; I Peter 5:8,9. What questions should young worshippers of Yahweh as well as all disciples of Yahshua ask themselves as Halloween approaches? What if you are a young worshipper of Yahweh, and you now realize Halloween to be one of the works of the devil? Will you be able to stand up against the pressure from your schoolmates and others who may be telling you that its all in fun, that no harm is intended, etc? Will you avoid the idolatry of greed and exaltation of Satan and the demons exemplified by the masks, "Jack-o-Lanterns", etc? (I John 5:21; II Corinthians 6:16.) When Halloween night comes, what will you do? Are you going to sit alone at home on that night, longing that you could be with others who are out trick-or-treating or attending a ritual masquerade party? However, you should gain control your thinking. Avoid this kind of thinking by planning ahead for Halloween night so that you will be busy doing something else, preferably something in the Lord's work. Ä 1 Corinthians 3:13. How can our manner of thinking affect our happiness and what scriptural advice will help us in our thinking? Your thoughts can make you happy or sad. You could think you are "missing out" on something, or you could put the Bible principles to work in your life. This will make you much more happier than the frivolities of the world. "Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there is anything virtuous, and if there is anything praiseworthy, think on these things." This may be hard, for it is natural to want to belong and be doing what others are doing. But, isn't it more important to want to belong to Yahweh and Yahshua than to worldly friends? "Do not envy evil ones, nor desire to be with them; for their heart studies destruction, and their lips talk of mischief." Ä Proverbs 24:1,2. What scriptural warning is also set before us? The Scriptural advice is even more applicable today than in the apostle's day: "Walk in love, as the Anointed One also loved us, and has given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God, for a sweet-smelling savor. But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be even named among you, as is proper for dedicated ones. Neither allow filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not proper, but rather the giving of thanks. For know this: that no fornicator, nor unclean person, nor a person full of selfish desires, who is an idolater, has any inheritance in the Kingdom of the Anointed One and of God. Let no man deceive you with empty words; for because of these things the wrath of God is come upon the children of disobedience. But do not be a partaker with them." Ä Ephesians 5:2-7. What are some things we can do to help each other in service of God? Why not try to help your friends to see the importance of obeying God, so as to have his favor when he executes judgment in the day his anger? (Zephaniah 2:3; Psalm 73:24-28) To this end Restoration Light Bible Services is publishing many Bible-based publications on many topics, from which one can derive nourishment through the Word of God and the Holy Spirit. Assembling with other worshippers of Yahweh, preferably in homes, to study the publications along with the Bible will make you stronger in God's strength to withstand Satan's fiery darts. Thus we encourage you to order more of our publications. Order copies (or make photocopies) for all members of your family so each will have his or her own personal copy. Study the articles together as a family. Try to make the sessions enjoyable, not a time of scolding or putting others down, but seek constantly to build each other up in faith. We know that such will bring blessings both to yourself and others. Restoration Light Publications October 15, 1995 We have many publications that can help you develop a greater knowledge of the divine purpose and your role in serving the Creator. Please order the publications listed in this file. Amounts shown are suggested contribution rates. Requests for free literature (without contributing) are filled as we have funds to do so. Foreign contributors: IRCs (International Reply Coupons) are accepted for foreign orders at the following rate: 2 IRCs = $1. IRCs are available at post offices in almost all countries. Startling Facts About Halloween! Halloween - Is It For Christians? - Discover many facts about Halloween and its effects on people. Is it just an innocent celebration? - Contains study questions. All pages may be photocopied for all members of a Bible study group. #RL0002 (8«X11 12 pages- 12 Point type) $2.00 Sample of Extra Small Print Edition sent free if you send us LSASE. Special Report on Idolatry! 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